Friday, June 10, 2011

If I were 6'4"...

If I were six feet four
I wouldn't need to have class;
I would get paid alot more
Just to sit on my ass.

I wouldn't have to work
Or do a damn thing;
I could act like a jerk
And my phone would still ring.

I would always be the flirt
And the ladies wouldn't mind
If I treated them all like dirt
Or left them far behind.

But lo, I am short in stature
And don't look quite my age;
My hard work doesn't matter,
I make a lousy wage.

The ladies won't come near me,
They say that I'm too small;
But rather they mock and jeer me,
They wouldn't if I was tall.

So, don't grade me on a curve
Or judge by the height you see;
Just give me the respect I deserve
Cause human I'll always be.

Chris Hamre   

1 comment:

  1. You are also forgetting the fact that if you were 6'4 you will die earlier than your shorter brethren.
