Saturday, December 10, 2011

"Short men...nothing but trouble"

So, another published article by a short man hating female:  Rosemary Mcleod

Gee Rosemary, can you be any more ignorant and bias?  I can't believe this was even published.  It reads as if a teenager wrote it.

Women continually ignore the facts and give tall men a pass because they just love their tall men don't they?  Since women refuse to date and/or be seen with shorter men, who are the ones abusing all these women and why is domestic violence such an epidemic?  Women are always saying that they want to be with a taller man because they feel "protected" by them, yet when they are constantly abused by them, they return to the assholes .  It seems that it is these same tall men from whom they need to escape.  Oh wait, that would mean women would then run to short men and God forbid they should be seen by one of their insecure friends with such a pariah.  Better to be seen walking down the street with a big, hunking man who does unspeakable things to her at home...but hey, at least she won't look desperate in public (regardless of the fact that she has to wear glasses to protect her black eyes and long sleeves to hide her bruises)..  He is tall and that is all that matters to these women.

This article is also another illustration of a double standard.  Attacking short men so openly is acceptable; yet, a similar article by a man attacking overweight women or an article attacking gays or blacks in the same disparaging manner this woman bites  and nips at short men would never make it to print.  I doubt even a rebuttal to this hateful piece of trash from a short man would even get it's just due; it would just be mocked.

This woman compares short men to chihuahuas in this lame excuse for journalism but it is the continued disrespect of short men that will put us on the offensive like we are pit bulls!   Then, We Will Be Trouble!

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