Sunday, March 4, 2012

Insulting women: a no-no; Insulting short men: acceptable!

     After this woman from Georgetown University said that she wanted taxpayers to help fund her contraception at a cost of $1000/yr,  Rush Limbaugh was talking about it on his radio program and
called her a "slut".    He has since apologized for the reference, afraid that advertisers would pull back their ads from his broadcast.  

    Yet, how funny it is that these women who are objecting to Rush's characterization, undoubtedly have no issue with insulting short men.  Calling us "midgets" (very offensive)  "undesirable" and "not really men" citing their first amendment right to freedom of speech. Sadly, insulting short men is actually a lucrative practice these days; it is encouraged and applauded.


1 comment:

  1. If you offend a girl based on physical traits (that are perfecly "correctable", eg: excessive weight), you'd get an aggressive response. I wonder what kind of "complex" they'd call that. But, yes, it would be unacceptable for you to do in the first place. We, as humans, have yet much to learn and evolve.
