Thursday, January 3, 2013

If you have the right to do something, does that mean you should do it?

Recently, The Journal News, a newspaper based out of Westchester (Putnam County) in New York, decided that it would publish the names of gun owners in its area.  Yes, they have a legal right to know who is legally carrying a firearm.  However, just because someone has the right to do something, does that mean they should do it?  Of course not!  Now, anyone can go and harass someone at their homes if they don't like them carrying a weapon.  Not only that, it makes targets of homes and their residents of people who don't have protection.  If people want to know who is carrying, I am sure there is a website they can access to find out the information.  A newspaper doesn't need to publish the personal information of these law abiding citizens.  Last time I checked, there are still incidents of identity theft in this country.   

Publishing someone's name and address, after they legally registered their firearm, will probably now deter people from doing just that!   I am guessing that the people who work at The Journal News don't carry weapons and, if they do, perhaps they aren't registered.

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