Thursday, January 7, 2016

Does America hate short guys?

Ask yourself this:  Do you honestly think people in this country will ever elect a short man as President?  Now, we do have some candidates that are shorter in stature compared to some of the field.  Marco Rubio - 5'8", Rand Paul - 5'7".  Back in 2008 the Republican nominee was John McCain...also 5'7".   Did that figure into him losing?  Perhaps.  Now, let's shorten the candidates to 5"3" or 5'4", would they have a chance?  Hell NO!  Yes, we have had one who fit that description and that was James Madison, our 4th President and author of the Constitution.  Think he would be electable now...over 210 years later?   Neither do I.

Now, the New York City Commission on Human Rights has told businesses that it must refer to people who are transgendered correctly or risk being fined.. up to $250,000.   Yea, that's right.   Think the same commission will step in to protect short people from discrimination? No!  I wonder where this same Human Rights Commission was when Sandra Peterson was terminated from her job at the Parks Department for, as her manager said, being too short.

Same kind of situation in Massachusetts.   The same state that passed a law a few years ago to protect members of the LGBT community from discrimination has not offered that same protection to members of the short or overweight community.  Though a bill has been submitted to the Massachusetts legislature on several occasions, it hasn't been passed.  A similar bill for the LGBT community passed through the first time.

Now, this country seems to be going out of its way to make sure certain people aren't offended.  Schools removing the Pledge of Allegiance because it could offend students who are from other countries.  Clemson University had a night where it enjoyed Mexican food but removed it because it could offend some students.  A  Nebraska school wanting to refer to its students as "purple penguins", instead of boys and girls because it didn't want the kids to feel left out.  Well, what if the kids didn't like the color purple or penguins?  lol.  If you say anything offensive about a Muslim, you can end up in jail now.  Some companies (JP Morgan Chase for example) want their employees to make sure to refer to the spouse as "my partner", instead of husband or wife because it would be insensitive to those who are transgender and employees had to display a placard at their desk  showing their alliance with the LGBT community.  Now, I guess you have to watch where you pray because you might offend people.

So, this push by America to watch who you offend but this country doesn't seem to give a damn about offending short people, especially short men now does it?

When a short boy is constantly bullied, beaten and teased by his school and he takes his own life, is there any attention given to what happened?  Is there an investigation?  But when Tyler Clementi, who was gay, jumped from the George Washington Bridge a few years ago because his privacy was invaded, it definitely got national attention didn't it?  There were protests against gay there is a law called the Tyler Clementi Act in Congress to fight bullying.   Funny, I thought all schools had a policy in place to fight bullying.  So, now you need legislation?  Oh wait, an 18 year old who was gay killed himself because of Congress wanted to act.  So, why didn't Congress pass a similar law when J Daniel Scruggs was bullied, or Jon Carmichael, Ty Smalley, Joel Morales,. Johnathon Short Scaff, Lamar Hawkins?   All these boys were bullied because they were small and unfortunately took their own law.  Why?    This country doesn't care about short boys being bullied in school, there is no political pressure for those in the Department of Education to act.  Short and smaller boys have been getting bullied in school since education was formalized...they are easy targets.  So, where in the hell is the protection?  Isn't  it common sense that it happens?  Of course it is.  It is just outright contempt for short boys.

We all know how short men are treated in the dating world.  Even the website E- Harmony asks before you even enter the site what your height is if you are male.  Think they ask a woman's weight?  Hell no.  This is a website which is supposed to be about substance and "29 different dimensions of compatibility" yet if you are short the "women complain" as said by founder Neil Clark Warren. If you do so happen to find a date, you had better not be shorter than the woman or else all these hateful comments will be directed your way.  Two people of the same sex dating you had better not comment on or be labeled as a bigot but a short man and a taller woman invites ridicule that is acceptable.

Height discrimination is acceptable in the workplace of course and it's prevalent here in this country too.  So, where are the laws to stop it?  Why is Michigan the only state to have such a law?  Even that law was passed to protect women from discrimination in fields such as police work and firefighting.  The height requirements would impact women who didn't meet the requirement.  Notice that is what made them pass the law, the fact that it ruled out short men was of no consequence.

Short men can get bashed and disrespected on social media!  Think you could do that to gays, blacks, Muslims or fat women?  Hell no.  You'd be branded at the minimum as a fat shamer or lose your job for your bigoted comments.  Yet, why all this hate on Twitter for short men?  Hmmm.  Oh wait, it is freedom of speech right?  You think these people only express their hatred for short men on Twitter...hell no!

As much as I hate heightism, what I hate even more is when people here in America want to be tolerant  and accepting of everyone and then treat short people like we are third class citizens and not even human.


That is the message that this country seems to be sending!  It definitely needs to change!

Have a look at this article from a CNN reporter.  He is 5'7", short, but still may not feel how difficult it is for those of us below 5'5".  He talks about the upcoming election and points out the height of the candidates.  If Hillary is elected, true, she will be the shortest president since Madison but she is a female.  A short male isn''t going to be elected.

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