Friday, May 13, 2016

Short people don't even get as much protection as the transgendered.

Today, the Obama Administration told public schools that they had to allow the transgendered students access to bathrooms, locker room, fraternities and athletic teams of their choice or face a loss of federal funds.  Does this sound like equal treatment to you or special treatment?

Here is a comment from John King, Secretary of Education: “No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus,” King said. “We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.”

So, I wonder now if all those short/smaller boys who are repeatedly harassed, pushed around and beaten up in these schools will see justice?  Don't hold your breath.  Short boys don't belong to a special interest group or protected class.

Don't worry society, you can still throw short boys into lockers, push them, shove them, knock their books out of their hands, shove their heads into toilets and mock their small frame on a daily basis...there won't be any consequences.  After all, they are supposed to stand up for themselves right?  Boys will be boys and all

You can still make their workplace a hostile environment too.  You can  condescend them, call them "midgets" and disparage and harass them all you want.

But, don't you dare make the school environment or workplace hostile to the transgendered.  You will be branded a bigot and if you refer to the transgendered in the wrong way in the workplace , you can be fined and fired.

.Yet, there are many more short people in this country than transgendered people (there are less than a million of them).  So why don't short people get any protection?

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