Monday, February 27, 2012

20/20 segment on limb-lengthening fails to tell the whole story

   Well...the other night on the ABC news program 20/20, which mostly talked about cosmetic procedures, there was about a six minute segment for the men and they devoted about 3:45 of it to the issue of limb-lengthening (gee...thanks ABC).

   I was very disappointed due to the fact that 1) they only spoke to two men about this procedure;  2) they didn't get both sides of the story and 3) they referred to men who have an issue with their heights as having a mental disorder called "height dysphoria", which can conveniently enough be "cured" by limb -lengthening (so says Dr Paley).

  So, you mean to tell me that if I were to go get my legs broken and lengthened, that I will never see or hear height discrimination again Dr Paley?  Women will somehow, magically be receptive towards all  short  Because, apparently, it is all in our heads...right?  I think it is the women, who hate short men for no logical reason, with the mental disorder.

   Perhaps Dr Paley then thinks that all blacks must have a mental impairment because they don't like racism?  "Hey, come on in and see me, Dr Paley, and I will wipe that chip off your shoulder that you have had since being treated as 3rd class citizens.  Get your skin whitened and that anger and frustration will evaporate." 

 Say Dr Paley, why stop there?  Let's all be tall white males, like you, and there will never be any discrimination or "mental disorders" again!


  1. It's not like that. They talk about limb surgery that caused by mental disorder. There are a lot short people who can accept the fact. But there are people who can't.

    I speak like this because I realize now that I have height dysphoria too. I'm a young woman, being short it's not big deal for me. But the truth do you ever saw people cry because they're short? Well I did. Everytime I look myself in the mirror I want to break it. And I plan to commit suicide if I can't add my height 3-4 inches. That disorder makes you think height is everything. It sounds horrible, right. That's why they called it disorder.

  2. The reason I say that it is not necessarily a disorder is that society has the negative view of shorter people, which them makes the target of their bias want to conform. They ignored the cause of the "disorder" and just focused on changing the victim, calling it a "cure".

    The cure would be to tell people that heightism is absolutely wrong, as is any other form of prejudice.

    I am sorry that you are feeling this way but NOTHING is wrong with your height. The only thing wrong is the way society perceives you. Please don't do anything drastic! Concentrate on your strengths, on your goals, and what you really enjoy. Don't let your height limit what you want to do in life; don't let it define you. Yes, it is a part of you but you are made up of so many more qualities as well.
