Friday, May 3, 2013

Height of hypocrisy; Evangelist bashes short men in sermon

Well...who knew that an "evangelist" would say such mean, hateful things about short men?   Mr. David Couchman, an evangelist/minister in the UK seems to have some contempt for short men as evidenced by the posted article.  See for yourself...

Hmmm...where do I begin?  Does it not say somewhere in the Bible that "whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer!"  (1 John 3:15). It doesn't seem that this evangelist favors short men; I can feel the hate coming from him and I hope for his sake that he sheds this unjustified hate or he is going south on Judgement Day. 

He seems to think that Zaccheus was bullied and was angry; why, because he was a tax collector?   Should he have been a beggar, maybe Mr Couchman would be happy with that? It sure seems to me that this man considers himself superior to short men.   If  "Zack", as he refers to him,  was indeed bullied, who was bullying him then?  Bigger, taller kids.    Why isn't this minister vilifying them for their sense of entitlement and  anger then?   He seems so certain that all short men are bullied, why doesn't he do something to curb the bullying?  Perhaps he thinks it is perfectly acceptable for taller, elite kids to assault the smaller kids.

A short man's choice of profession also seems to draw this man's ire.   One man turned out to be a Thai boxing champion and seems he was bothered by it.  Why?   Are short men not allowed to be successful?  Would he have been happier if that man turned to drugs to deal with his issues?  Not happy unless us "inferior shorties" are serving the taller people, such as his hypocritical self.

Maybe Mr Couchman should read the gospels again.  Jesus did say to "love your neighbor as yourself" did he not?  The Bible also states that we were created in God's image but perhaps this man thinks that the Creator made a mistake; certainly seems he thinks less of short men.   He had better hope that Jesus isn't

Does this surprise me?  No.  I seem to remember a Sunday School song about Zaccheus.  "Zaccheus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he."   Wow, what a nice message to indoctrinate kids with huh?  How about a Sunday School song that goes "Mary Magdalene was a real slut and real slut she was!"   Oh no wait, that would be offensive wouldn't it?

Growing up in this environment, I saw how the kids (I attended church and school with) formed their bigoted thoughts and began looking down their noses at me with their err of tall, white superiority; their sense of entitlement.   I am not sure which Bible they had been reading but it couldn't have been the version I was reading.

I don't know which version David Couchman subscribes to either.  No where in any Bible that I have read does it say "Thou shall not be short!"  Perhaps in his twisted, warped interpretation it does.  If  this man seems to think it is okay to stereotype all short men as angry and bullied, would it then be acceptable for me to say he is a pedophile (being a man of the cloth and all)?  Of course not, that would be stereotyping.

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