Friday, May 3, 2013

Woman denied justice after being fired from NYC Parks Dept for ..being short

A couple of years ago I posted an article about Sandra Peterson, a 4'8" employee of the NYC Parks Department.  

What happened?  Her boss, Louis Marchi, let her go because she was "too short".  What was she too short to do?  Clean.  Of course, we all know how height is an essential part of mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms, taking out garbage...a job reserved for the tall  Well, Mr. Marchi sure thought so.

When Ms. Peterson began working there, I am quite sure she wasn't wearing stilts when they hired her in 2010.  So, if they hired her knowing she was 4'8", how can they then fire her for the same reason?  Well, they really shouldn't have and we all know that.  But Mr Marchi brought his prejudice into the workplace and used it to deny this woman her job.   I sincerely hope this man gets fired; I hate knowing that my tax dollars are going to this bigot who works for the city.

However, justice won't be done for this woman or for us taxpayers; she sued for discrimination and lost, yet this piece of crap remains in his job.   Here is the details of her court case last year:

This injustice will continue to take place to us shorter people until states like New York, Massachusetts, Nevada and Utah (to name a few) get off their asses and give us the protection we deserve just as they protect everyone else.

If a transgender man/woman (Colleen Francis) can get protection in Washington State and be allowed to scare girls with his penis in their locker room, then why the hell can't Sandra Peterson get justice?

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