Sunday, March 29, 2015

Gilbert Collar vs Michael Brown...

As you all know, for the last several months we have been inundated with what happened to Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.   A 6'3" (almost 300lb young black teen) who had robbed a convenience store, was confronted by Darren Wilson as he was walking down the middle of the street in Ferguson; he attacked Officer Wilson and tried to get his gun away from him.  We all know the outcome and what transpired afterwards.

Yet, how many people have heard of Gilbert Collar?  He was a unarmed white teen, who was smaller in stature (about 5'7" and 135) and he was shot by a black cop in Alabama (Trevis Austin) in October of 2012.  Of course, you didn't hear much about this case because it was a white teen who also happened to be undersized.  Unlike Michael Brown, Gilbert Collar didn't attack Trevis Austin, he was on drugs at the time and his behavior was erratic.  Yet, he was naked and unarmed, so why didn't Mr Austin use another form of restraint to subdue him besides shooting him.  Of course, Austin was cleared of any wrongdoing by the grand jury and they said his act of self-defense was justified.   Funny how that happens.  Normally, a man of Gilbert Collar's stature would be written off as a weak, scrawny, little man but when it comes to killing him, all of a sudden the officer was in fear for his life. 

How de we know that Officer Austin wasn't prejudice, as they claim Officer Wilson was?  Maybe Austin didn't like white males or (in this case) short white males.   It does seem that America doesn't exactly think much of shorter males anyway.  Hey, who cares right, it was just a short guy he killed, it's not like it was a large black guy who robbed a store, assaulted a clerk and tried to kill a cop?  But, yet people were more outraged about Michael Brown.

Honestly now, who do you think deserved more justice?  Brown or Collar? .

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