Sunday, March 29, 2015

If you are against discrimination, maybe you should live in Michigan!

In the news lately, people are now in  an uproar over the law in Indiana that protects religious freedom.  Opponents of this legislation are saying that this could lead to discrimination against the LGBT community,  It should be said that there are various municipalities in Indiana that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, however, the state itself has no such law.  Now, there are people who don't even want to do business in Indiana and  are calling for a boycott.

This is where I need to come in.  There are currently 49 states that have no protection for people who suffer discrimination based on their height or weight.  Which means, as these people who fear discrimination against members of the LGBT community in Indiana because there are no laws, that people should then stand up and boycott  these 49 states that allow others to be unfairly treated in the same manner right?  The only state that bans height and weight discrimination is Michigan!

So, therefore, this either means that Detroit should be expecting a population boom soon or that people who claim to be adamantly opposed to all forms of discrimination really aren't, except  when it is directed at certain groups.  My guess is, it will be the latter and those of us who don't meet a physical appearance standard will still have to fight for legislation to protect us from discrimination in the workplace and beyond.

So, to all of you who are against this law in Indiana and want to boycott it, are you going to move to Michigan or are there still some forms of discrimination that are okay by you?

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