Monday, June 27, 2016

Michael Lee, a gay writer, expresses his hatred for short men!

Oh yes he did! 

This writer, who is gay (according to the text of the article anyway) expresses his fury and hatred over short men.

So, wait a minute!  After what just happened in Orlando two weeks ago and how outspoken the LGBT community has been against hatred, this ass has no problem spewing his contempt for short men?

So typical isn't it? "You had better not hate me short man but I can hate you over something over which you have no control and out of the other side of my hypocritical mouth I denounce hatred and intolerance,"   says everyone else that is protected from discrimination and screams when it happens to them.

Can you imagine a similar article spewing hate and venom at anyone else and not drawing the ire and rebuke of society as a whole?

What a hypocritical piece of trash!  Look at this crap:    Think it is satire?

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