Thursday, March 31, 2011

To wear or not wear lifts

April 20, 2009

The other day, I ran across an article on the internet about Scarlett Johansson, the rather petite actress.  Apparently, she has recently lost a little weight.  I was amazed how people were saying that she may be now suffering from an eating disorder because of her petite frame. Yet, if she were to add on a few pounds, she would be blasted for being overweight.  It seems that society just can’t get out of its own way. No matter what, they will criticize you. At the same time, they will tell you to accept yourself for who you are.

This made me think of another situation which just frustrates me as a short man to no end.  If a short man dates a woman his own size and she decides to wear heels when they go out, she will now be three or four inches taller.  People observing this will now gawk and laugh at the couple, uttering things like “She should be with someone taller or he should be with someone shorter ,” or “He’s only dating her because of his complex” even though w/o her heels they are the same height.  Now, let’s take the same situation and give the man some lifts in his shoes, so that they are now the same height. What do we get now?  “Hey, look at that man; he is wearing lifts in his shoes…ha! Ha! How funny!  He must have a complex!”   Damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t right?  Yet, a woman wearing heels is sexy and she is adored, even though she is also trying to increase her height. Funny, shouldn’t it be the man that needs the height, since he is the one who will be mocked because of his short stature?  I personally would never go out and buy lifts for my shoes, so that the insecure, vain people in society could then accept me or so that I look better for a job interview.

Here I live in a society that tells me to be confident in who I am (oh no, if I do that, that is also a complex for a short man to be confident) and accept myself and so will others.  Then, no matter what I do, I get criticized for doing just that.

 I guess if you don’t meet society’s definition of an acceptable appearance then you should change it.   Take growth hormone, lengthen your limbs, have lipo, gastric bypass, go on a diet, eat more, get Botox, increase your breast size, dye your hair, cut your hair, don’t go bald,  drive an SUV, take public transportation so you don’t pollute the air.  Does just reading that drive you crazy?

When society can get out of its own way, make up its damn mind about what is and what isn’t acceptable, then maybe I will listen…lol.  Until then, I will tell society to mind its own damn business and instead of focusing on my physical attributes, maybe society should focus on pulling its head out of its own, judgmental ass.   Then maybe people will be free to be themselves without having to listen to a bunch of insignificant, insecure people criticizing them; people who are far from perfection themselves.

Accepting yourself and other people…what a novel idea! 

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